Our solution is
to provide Internet services within LAN environments, and is
one of the most economic solution. It is possible to upload
and download at the same time. Our service uses phone lines
that are already installed in each office, and is capable of
making Internet calls and sharing data. Also, Internet service
does not slow down even many users use the service. Speed of
Internet services ranges from 1Mpbs to 10Mbps depending on equipments.
With INFOPORT's office solution, it is possible for anyone
to enjoy fast Internet services.
Service specialty
- Internet services
provided within LAN environments
- LAN service allows other people to use Internet as well
- Uses the phone lines that are already installed in offices;
able to use both phone
and Internet at the same time
- Fast equal upload and download data transmmission speed guaranteed
- Appropriate for buildings with concentrated wires
- Does not effect Internet speed even if MDF is located far
- Even in increase of Internet users, our solution guarantees
fast speed of access
to 10Mpbs
- Forms Networks using already-existing phone lines within offices
without any
additional construction
Diagram of Service
Provides variety Services
Services using HomePNA: Wired Internet services
- Uses the phone lines that are already installed
in buildings; able to use
both phone and Internet at the same time
- Appropriate for concentrated building areas
- Greater gain compare to the real price of services Services
using SDSL : Wired Internet services
- Uses the phone lines that are already installed
in buildings; able to use
both phone and Internet at the same time
- Appropriate for large group of buildings Services
using VDSL : Wired Internet services
- Uses the phone lines that are already installed
in buildings; able to use
both phone and Internet at the same time
- Necessary for better services such as VOD
- Provides luxurious Internet services in apartments Services
using wireless services : Wireless Internet services
- Wireless Internet services
- Appropriate for places where there is no phone
lines or is difficult to use
any wires to install the service
- Appropriate for lobbies, restaurants, coffee shops,
etc¡¦ P&P
/ Billing Server : Easily accessed Internet that goes along
with easily
controlled billing system
- Includes billing system and system management
- Plug & Play: when connecting lab-tops, able to
use Internet immediately
- HotelDB: able to supervise Internet services being
used within building
- BiznetDB: able to supervise internet service system
from the remote place
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